Drew Ashenwood

ex-Flames soldier traveling the world tracing his roots


Drew was an orphan stranded in Coerthan highlands. He was found by an old Ala Mhigan couple who took him in and raised him as their own.

When he just reached his adulthood, his adopted parents passed away. He joined Immortal Flames soon after to honor their dream to see the homeland free which he would fulfill at the battle of Gyr Abania years later.

With his parents’ wish come true, he retired his uniform and now travels the world searching for clues of his origin.

Personality and traits

Drew doesn't hate socializing but he prefers to be private. People often mistake this and his stone face as an aloofness but in reality, he’s just extremely shy.

Though he remembers nothing, whatever happened to him when he was orphaned had made him a mute child for a long time. He’s able to speak now but has a slight stutter in his speech which can intensify depending on his anxiety level.

He loves small and tiny beings and dislikes the fact that his imposing looks scare them away. He’s often found watching tiny rodents or birds from afar hidden behind bushes.


Have you seen a tall dark figure at the Quicksand?
Drew’s home base Ul’dah. He eats, sleeps, and finds work to pay his bill at the Quicksand. If he’s not out hunting for gil, you can spot him at the stable tending to his dear Chocobo, Biscuit.

Have you seen a lone Xaela trying to talk to merchants at Reunion?
When Drew can spare time and gil, he visits Azim Steppe and asks the locals about who could be his blood tribe.

Are you looking to hire a hunter?
Do you need a particular cut of meat? Hides? Bones? Do you have pests that need to be taken care of? Or maybe you just need someone to run your errands. Drew would offer his services as long as the work is honest.

Are you an Au Ra from Far East?
Drew shows particular interest in Far Eastern Auri especially those who are Xaela. However he tries to be careful as he is made aware from his past experiences that he can come across creepy or rude.

Out of character

Hi there!

I am quite new to RP but very familiar with the concept. I’ve done role-playing in the past just not exactly in the same manner that is popular on FFXIV.

I am looking for a partner who would show me the possibilities of RP. I would prefer something that is a little bit more lighthearted as I am just starting out but that doesn’t mean the doors are entirely closed. Although I would love a romance, I am uncomfortable with ERP therefore would like to stay away.

I hope to exchange in paragraphs and primarily on discord as that would minimize the chances of me making mistakes. But if you are a patient veteran RPer who would volunteer to guide me through in-game I would happily accept your offer.